Collaboration with Shiyuan Liu, Zhanwei Liu, Sunghoon Song. Special thanks to Yuen Sun Yee, Kazuhiro Naito, Yeonjae Lee.
Our project directly concentrates on the ontological power of SNS. My world, which formed around me, gradually collapses with the appearance of the others(human-object). In other words, humans are at the center of the world where they have formed themselves, but their status will be taken away as soon as they build a relationship with others.
Nevertheless, through SNS, humans do not lose their ontological status and can still relate to others at the same time. This is because, in SNS (an online platform that people use to build social networks and social relationships with other people), individuals who are involved are not required to face each other directly, so each person can maintain their central position in the world. In other words, even beings who are not capable of building genuine relationships can interact more easily through digital methods.
Despite the ontological power of SNS, there is a gap between me created through self-objectification and the expectations of my image actually exposed to others. In order to demonstrate such a concept, we propose to create two video installations to recreate and substantialize the scenario of human interactions through SNS in order to examine the authenticity, fertility, and longevity of those digitally built relationships.
Fundamentally deriving from the ontological power of Social Network Services(SNS) and the region that such power cannot affect, our two-part project aims to present, analyze and introspect on the authenticity, fertility, and longevity of human-to-human relationships build through SNS from our own experiences with the subject.
Our project aims to critically apply digital storytelling technologies by integrating cooperative forms of practice from four team members with diverse backgrounds into one cohesive work consisting of two video installations. With films, motion sensing, projection mapping, physical installations, we synthesize all these practices together to create a cohesive story.
From the start, we began with in-person group meetings to discuss and then came up with the central theme which explores the ontological power of Social Network Services and the region that such power cannot affect because human-to-human relationship building through SNS has always been a relevant story/topic in contemporary culture, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we decided to concentrate on the authenticity, fertility, and longevity of SNS-formed relationships considering the urgency of human interactions in this digital age. Overall, our project focuses on engaging with urgent social issues and exploring how the power of contemporary media platforms could be leveraged to instigate positive social or cultural change.
At the same time, by continually and constantly testing and experimenting with these storytelling tools and techniques in relation to the environment and the audiences, we discovered the “golden ratio” for combining digital storytelling concepts and interactive art as a whole to present our story with a cooperative and comprehensive technical and philosophical approach. Furthermore, we experiment critically and creatively with narratives, media, and knowledge within the current social environment to re-consider the role of human and nonhuman species in the production of digitally enabled forms of experience.
In both installations, we used computer vision, which is a type of artificial intelligence that trains computers to interpret and comprehend the physical world visually. Combining with the footage captured by cameras, the installations aimed to construct a surveilled environment to coordinate with the central theme of our project on SNS. More specifically, we used the software TouchDesigner in both installations, which supports our need for real-time interactive multimedia content.
For installation A, with TouchDesigner, we successfully archived projection mapping with live-generated image and object detection. By mapping the screen to a building structure, we created a fictional cosmos where everyone can easily follow and even spy on others through social network services, although each projection “screen” is portrayed as an isolated room separated by “walls.” Using live generated images, object detection and a camera, we primarily want to create a virtual world where we are always the center of attention and constantly praised after self-ego-beautification through SNS.
For installation B, with TouchDesigner, we successfully archived RGB detection with the physical door objects. Utilizing RGB detection as a switch to build and expand the viewing experience of the films in the physical environment. With additional lighting placed directly at the door, where the camera faces towards, everytime when someone enters the detection area, the first film on the small monitor stops while the second film on the bigger TV screen starts to play.
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